Monday, May 17, 2010

Fighting lovebugs sucks

Everywhere. They are taking over. I have never seen so many of these little effers in my life. And for some reason the mother had to make 38 billion stops on the way to the gym, one including a trip through the Wal-mart parking lot. It was like a scene from the horror flick Birds, but with gross mating insects. Why do they exist?! How ironic is a name that is the complete opposite of my feelings for them?? I am facing a migraine because of the skull shattering screams they made me do. THEY MADE ME! The apocalypse is upon us people, we must unite and destroy all of those screw bugs. I'm sure one is burrowing in my hair at this moment and I would love to not leave the house again but shopping and the movies are calling me. Not a bad tradeoff.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Going to Europe sucks

NO ITS DOESN'T! What sucks is not going to Europe. Was there a field trip put on by Facebook for any and everyone to go to Europe, which I missed the invite to?! For real, everyone on that thing is going there, there, or coming back. I am boycotting Facebook, one day. For now I am going to go look at and pretend I am buying a ticket.

Monday, December 21, 2009

My mom's selfish friend sucks

So this morning at 7:45 I was forced out of my warm comfy bed to play tennis in the 40 degree weather. I should tell you first that I was only subjected to this indecency because of my mom's friend's traditional tennis in the morning with the ladies on her birthday. What a god awful tradition. How about something fun or relaxing or somewhat enjoyable? I really hope this doesn't happen to all people of that age, which I don't even know is because she didn't tell anyone how old she was. If I don't know how old you are I do not belong at your b-day shindig. I would have somehow carried on with my life without that invite. I shouldn't even have been there, I was subbing for some other woman who "conveniently" couldn't make it. And I so "conveniently" was made available by my mother. At what moment is it OK to volunteer other people for things without their consent?? I say never. I should go volunteer my mother to pick up trash on the side of the road in case one of the convicts "conveniently" can't make it. Back to the morning. On the ride to the tennis courts all I could think about was what I was going to write for my daily complaint, I had a lot of material. Good and angry stuff too. But as all other things you initially don't wanna do, you find yourself kind of enjoying the cruel and unusual torture. I got a little exercise, which was quickly undone by danish and mimosa's. Which brings me to my next point, I got to enjoy danish and mimosa's. I also am awake at 10 o'clock in the morning, an occasion to be remembered. Too bad when I got home it was all ruined when I tried to give my dog some lovin' hugs and was repaid with a nearly concussion inducing blow to the his giant head. I am now suffering from the beginnings of a head ache. There have been way too many ups and downs for one morning. Which is why this blog should really be titled "Not ignoring your mother and going back to bed sucks."
So Happy Birthday Jill and other woman's daughter that also turned some age today who "CONVENIENTLY" didn't have to come.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Movie Theaters Suck

I truly believe that people in the theatre think that the people in the movie can hear them. They sit and yell at the screen anticipating an action as result of their obnoxious banter. I used to think this only happened in horror movies until I went to the movies with my family today. The horror was not in the movie but in my eyes as I sat and listened to the four women next to me disrupt the entire movie theater with their comments and demands. I thought the old couple behind us were gonna beat every last one of them over the heads with their canes. They refrained. I would not have been so patient. Oh, I did not mention that the movie was at 11 in the morning, not a time when people are the happiest..especially me. Thankfully, Hugh Grant was there to lift my spirits. Hugh's is a face I do not mind seeing and a voice I do not mind hearing before noon. In case you were wondering we were seeing Did you Hear About the Morgans? at the Rave, best theaters ever. It was better than I expected and Sarah Jessica Parker successfully played someone other than Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and the City, one of my other loves. It is hard for me to admit that she isn't actually Carrie Bradshaw, but for 103 minutes I forgot. So, well done. Well, anyways, this isn't a movie review..anymore. Back to the subject, I would just like to make a public announcement to all: Please do not speak, touch plastic, laugh uncontrollably, text message, do anything on an Iphone, or sneeze too much in the theater. Well that last one I can let slip since it can't quite be controlled, but it does put into motion the slew of blesses from all the saints in the place which falls under the category of speaking. So really just don't go to the movies if you have allergies or are unhealthy. I hope that one day anyone will read this blog and spread the word because those warning messages before the movie starts sure aren't doing their job. I am going to start making my own announcements before, during, and after the movie. Just to really drill it in. BE AWARE.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Boyfriend Sucks

So tonight my boyfriend sucks because it is 2:07 a.m. and I am still up waiting for his call. Seems pathetic right? Well, not when he tells you he will call you in an hour, almost two hours ago, and you are an insomniac. But I did get to watch the first episode of season four of Desperate Housewives. I cannot kick my bad habit of trashy t.v. and by god I don't want to. It has been my sleeping pill for the last couple of nights, putting me right to bed at about four in the morning every night. What I do til four in the a.m. even I don't know, but I do it. I think I have formed some odd attachment to the show because now I really can't sleep without it on. I think now since I have to watch it online I will try my best to sleep sans Teri Hatcher and that crazy old lady that seems to never age.'s the call.
Well that sucked. 2nd boyfriend suck strike for the night. Probably would have been better if he just didn't call. What I am about to complain about might seem selfish and unfair but if you were in my shoes you might understand. So here is a quick overview of my shoes: alone every night in hometown doing nothing until four in the a.m. And this is my boyfriend tonight "Hey babe, just going to another bar." ANOTHER bar, the only bar I'm gonna see tonight is that soapy one in my shower. I can't blame him though because if I actually had a friend in this godforsaken (how is that sentence a word?) town you better believe I would be at a bar with them too.
Thats ok because i'm getting rid of that boyfriend, my new boyfriend is named Mac. Macbook Pro that is. He stays with me every night, lights up the darkness, and sings me to sleep. These are things a normal boyfriend simply cannot do...right. Not that I would ever want my boyfriend to do that last one. He isn't exactly Frank Sinatra or that really awful reject from American Idol that everyone couldn't get enough of (I never got that). The things people are entertained by these days. I must forgive these people though since I am one of them. This brings me back to my love of trashy t.v., but it is too great to continue on. I am ranting, another habit I need to find time to break. Because my blogging is so important and time consuming?
Anywhooo. I am going to attempt sleep now, wish me luck.